Level 1: MINAF-PC7, 400 / 650 (62%)
61.538461538462% complete
Level 2: Alert! Emergency!, 0 / 750 (0%)
0% complete
Level 3: We're not happy, 0 / 725 (0%)
0% complete
Total: 400 / 2,125 (18.8%)
Challenge Solved Points
1.9 María José Feliz shared this document with other user. Which one? (Level 1: MINAF-PC7) #4, 1 year, 3 months after release (2023-03-08 17:04:46) 75
1.7 Which user advises Maria Jose Files to "install" everything? (Level 1: MINAF-PC7) #6, 1 year, 3 months after release (2023-03-08 16:56:54) 125
1.6 Where did all these malware was downloaded from? (Level 1: MINAF-PC7) #10, 1 year, 3 months after release (2023-03-08 16:37:12) 75
1.4 Which payload do these files have? (Level 1: MINAF-PC7) #8, 1 year, 3 months after release (2023-03-08 16:28:31) 75
1.5 In that folder there is DEFINITELY another file that Windows Defender strongly dislikes. Which one? (Level 1: MINAF-PC7) #9, 1 year, 3 months after release (2023-03-08 16:27:28) 50