Level 1: MINAF-PC7, 0 / 650 (0%)
0% complete
Level 2: Alert! Emergency!, 175 / 750 (23%)
23.333333333333% complete
Level 3: We're not happy, 275 / 725 (38%)
37.931034482759% complete
Total: 450 / 2,125 (21.2%)
Challenge Solved Points
3.7 From which REAL domain was this last attack launched? (Level 3: We're not happy) #11, 2 years, 3 months after release (2024-03-06 17:27:23) 75
3.2 Who fooled this user to install the "thingy" ? (Level 3: We're not happy) #13, 2 years, 3 months after release (2024-03-06 16:55:44) 75
3.1 Attackers have tricked someone to consent the installation of something. What is its name? (Level 3: We're not happy) #13, 2 years, 3 months after release (2024-03-06 16:52:57) 125
2.2. When did the attackers got the World_Happiness_Plan.docx? (Level 2: Alert! Emergency!) #14, 2 years, 3 months after release (2024-03-06 15:49:13) 100
2.1 María José Feliz shared this file with an user ... who reshared it with a third user. Who? (Level 2: Alert! Emergency!) #16, 2 years, 3 months after release (2024-03-06 15:38:33) 75