# Team Country Points
1 Zarkrosh es 3,650
2 AngelVil es 3,650
3 a.penades.02 es 3,650
4 Saul es 3,650
5 IRCP es 3,650
6 daark es 3,450
7 ElEquipo ax 3,250
8 adriandlhc es 3,200
9 cataea es 3,050
10 BATOI es 2,675
11 ed1 es 2,525
12 Deckcard23 es 2,300
13 F1rstree es 2,300
14 Davis0505 es 2,300
15 Batoicipfp es 1,875
16 Davis60698 es 1,850
17 jorge es 1,700
18 AppleJuiceLover72 es 1,600
19 CHdezFdez es 1,600
20 Testing es 1,550
21 juane81 es 1,550
22 pablonr es 1,450
23 Jtech es 1,450
24 RedArmy cn 1,400
25 mokoko af 1,350
26 kflynn es 1,300
27 Davis es 1,250
28 Guzmán-BATOI es 1,250
29 test ax 1,250
30 Esdras es 1,200
31 nonem es 1,150
32 javiersteg es 1,150
33 John es 1,100
34 AlexBatoi es 1,050
35 DavidSanchez es 950
36 toydoll ao 950
37 SoyManolo cd 800
38 Goonies es 800
39 DonMatu es 800
40 AlanGarka es 700
41 h4cksn02 es 575
42 CIPFP_BATOI es 575
43 xblast2006 es 550
44 Tense1983 as 550
45 batoi_adri es 550
46 Cibermiki es 550
47 elcondelequio es 450
48 albero es 375
49 bomoca es 350
50 ariariari jp 350
51 PickleRick aq 350
52 H.LAVOE ag 350
53 BATOI1 es 350
54 hola2345r af 350
55 wei cv 275
56 ryanmjones123 us 250
57 aaaaa ne 250
58 Modelito de Revista by Mora ad 250
59 darlucas es 250
60 Alistair es 200
61 Ferran es 175
62 Fredericos es 175
63 SoySoy es 175
64 CIPFPBATOI es 175
65 Saul_Batoi es 175
66 Parapeto af 175
67 Hans_Batoi es 175
68 asfsa dz 150
69 CATA es 150
70 adriandelahoz es 100
71 web ag 100
72 L0sD3S13mpr3D10s3s es 100
73 Otro dz 75
74 paragüero es 50
75 prunex ro 0
76 bryanVP_BATOI es 0
77 jrrgimenez es 0
78 asf ad 0
79 davii es 0
80 asdfddd aw 0
81 CS_03 es 0
82 Imy es 0
83 tokumeiusagi jp 0
84 tal aq 0
85 cyberscope es 0
86 vibe es 0
87 aaa ro 0
88 18A9W306 www.yandex.ru ms 0
89 Carlos3 es 0
90 BATOI_24-25 es 0
91 Equpo de investigaçâo es 0
92 manu es 0
93 aamz es 0
94 Alberto Gil es 0
95 hervin pe 0
96 prueba al 0
Needles, magnets & haystacks Points Solved by First solvers
1.First things first 50 84% First to solve this challenge!John
Second to solve this challenge!bomoca
Third to solve this challenge!ryanmjones123
2.Where is my time? 50 81% First to solve this challenge!John
Second to solve this challenge!bomoca
Third to solve this challenge!ryanmjones123
3.First blood 75 76% First to solve this challenge!John
Second to solve this challenge!bomoca
Third to solve this challenge!ryanmjones123
4. I won't execute this. Ok, I will execute it 75 77% First to solve this challenge!John
Second to solve this challenge!bomoca
Third to solve this challenge!ryanmjones123
8. Who was at the crime scene? 100 55% First to solve this challenge!John
Second to solve this challenge!Zarkrosh
Third to solve this challenge!adriandlhc
7. Pinpointing the origin 100 58% First to solve this challenge!John
Second to solve this challenge!Zarkrosh
Third to solve this challenge!adriandlhc
6.Where did that one come from? 100 62% First to solve this challenge!John
Second to solve this challenge!bomoca
Third to solve this challenge!Zarkrosh
5. How many baddies got through? 100 57% First to solve this challenge!Zarkrosh
Second to solve this challenge!adriandlhc
Third to solve this challenge!nonem
12. Peeling layers from the onion 150 38% First to solve this challenge!adriandlhc
Second to solve this challenge!Deckcard23
Third to solve this challenge!Zarkrosh
11.Malware, malware ... which dress did you put? 150 47% First to solve this challenge!adriandlhc
Second to solve this challenge!Zarkrosh
Third to solve this challenge!nonem
10. First needle found! 150 34% First to solve this challenge!adriandlhc
Second to solve this challenge!Deckcard23
Third to solve this challenge!Zarkrosh
9. Persist and endure 150 46% First to solve this challenge!adriandlhc
Second to solve this challenge!Deckcard23
Third to solve this challenge!Zarkrosh
13. A little help from a reverse engineering friend... 200 31% First to solve this challenge!adriandlhc
Second to solve this challenge!Zarkrosh
Third to solve this challenge!nonem
14. Finishing the matrioska malware 200 26% First to solve this challenge!adriandlhc
Second to solve this challenge!Deckcard23
Third to solve this challenge!Zarkrosh
15. The truth is in there ... in the memory 200 19% First to solve this challenge!Deckcard23
Second to solve this challenge!Zarkrosh
Third to solve this challenge!BATOI
16. I am your (grand) father 200 31% First to solve this challenge!Zarkrosh
Second to solve this challenge!adriandlhc
Third to solve this challenge!Deckcard23
20. You've got an email ... 250 19% First to solve this challenge!John
Second to solve this challenge!Zarkrosh
Third to solve this challenge!adriandlhc
19. Finding and naming evil 250 15% First to solve this challenge!adriandlhc
Second to solve this challenge!Zarkrosh
Third to solve this challenge!AngelVil
18. Hiding, hiding, always hiding 250 15% First to solve this challenge!adriandlhc
Second to solve this challenge!Zarkrosh
Third to solve this challenge!AngelVil
17. Bugs have to be debugged 250 22% First to solve this challenge!Zarkrosh
Second to solve this challenge!Deckcard23
Third to solve this challenge!Testing
21. Even malicious email have a home 300 16% First to solve this challenge!John
Second to solve this challenge!adriandlhc
Third to solve this challenge!Zarkrosh
22. Getting all the answers nailed down 300 16% First to solve this challenge!adriandlhc
Second to solve this challenge!Deckcard23
Third to solve this challenge!Zarkrosh